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Are high mortgage rates discouraging buyers? It's possible that they're playing a role in the slowdown. In the summer of 2017, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate hovered just below three percent. But with rates on the rise, borrowers ...
If you're thinking about buying a new home, housing interest rates have likely been on your mind. These higher interest rates have made home ownership more difficult, but they have some redeeming effects on the housing m...
If you're thinking about buying a home, you may be wondering: "What Are Today's Mortgage Rates?" The answer largely depends on the current economic and employment situation. The federal funds rate, or how banks pay each other to borrow money, ...
If you're thinking about buying a home, you may be wondering: "What Are Today's Mortgage Rates?" The answer largely depends on the current economic and employment situation. The federal funds rate, or how banks pay each other to borrow money, driv...